International Health

International Health Insurance

For Canadians travelling outside their country of origin, there's three insurance options:

  1. Travel medical insurance for Canadian residents travelling abroad;
  2. Canadian expatriate insurance; or
  3. International Health Insurance.

Travel Medical Insurance for Canadians

Canadian travel insurance plans require that you remain covered by your provincial health insurance plan (OHIP, MSP, etc.) during your entire absence from Canada. If you are going away indefinately or longer than 6-7 months, your provincial coverage may automatically come to an end, voiding coverage under a normal travel medical insurance plan. BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency is an online travel insurance specialist brokerage service quoting a wide variety of plans online (for free!), and have expert advisors to help you find an appropriate plan . Get a quote here.

Canadian Expatriate Insurance

Offered by Canadian insurance companies, expat insurance allows Canadians to travel for up to a year away from home without having to be covered by provincial health. However, because the insurance company can not rely on being able to bring you home for repairs, it will be more expensive as the insurance comapny becomes exposed to a higher amount of risk as the primary payor. Typically, this insurance is very comaprable to travel medical insurance, meaning it will only cover emergency health care expenses related to sudden illness and accidental injury. This same type of insurance is also available from some insurance American providers. Get a quote here.

International Health Insurance

An alternative to Canadian expat insurance -  which provides only emergency (illness and accidental inury) medical coverage, International Health Insurance is a more expensive, but extensive insurance contract that requires medical underwriting, and can come with benefits over and above emergency medical care, such as dental benefits and regular doctors visits, and online consultations. Contact us today at 1-888-888-0510 or, to determine if this is an appropriate product for you, and we'll prepare a personalized quote based on your health situation.